The Vision

What is /Respect?

Our vision for /Respect is to create A Universal Reputation Protocol Standard

What this means:

/Respect is a transparent reputation system that you can deploy in your discord server. Simply add the /Respect bot and start awarding respect and documenting significant impacts within your community or DAO.

Our long-term vision for Respect is to create a governance reputation token to track contributions and engagement within a DAO or digital community. Community members can send $Respect tokens to each other by typing /Respect (@User) (Amount) (Description) in your discord server.

With /Respect we’ve created a simplified solution for individual and community reputation.

Register your company, dao, or community as a potential within the Potentials.App and then give out and allocate $Respect to your active community contributors.

With the data from /Respect transactions we can gain insight into the strength of individual connections within a community. With this data, we can understand the health and current level of engagement of a DAO or digital community.

Respect is what you make it. The more your community uses it, the more data you have to visualize to guide community focus and direction.

In the future, communities will be able to utilize respect to rank content and proposals within their DAO, proposals will have a # of Respect that is voted on by the community. As a result, Respect has the potential to evolve into a tool for collective intelligence.

The long-term vision for /Respect is to become a governance utility and engagement token for DAOs.

Earn $Respect for your engagement within a DAO and for attending innovation, learning, and building sessions.

Why you should get /Respect for your community discord server: